Investment consultancy
+61 488 357 859
gic holdings
INVEST EARLY Starting early is one of the best ways to build wealth. Investing for a longer period of time is widely considered more effective than waiting until you have a large amount of savings or cash flow to invest.
GIC Holdings give you the chance to be one if the main stakeholders for early investment projects by contribute on establishing new projects all over.
INVEST REGULARLY Investing often is just as important as starting early. This way, investing remains a priority for you throughout the year – not just around certain deadlines, like the yearly RRSP contribution deadline. Having a disciplined approach can help you build more wealth over time.
GIC Holdings allowed you to invest often thru many projects that's are running all over the year and it give the flexibility for the client to invest whenever they want to invest.
MAINTAIN PERSPECTIVE market always go up and down but with a well-structured plan in place, you can confidently stay committed to it. And you’ll know that day-to-day market fluctuations are likely to have little impact on your longer-term objectives, or on the investment strategy designed to get you there.
GIC Holdings handle the headache of setting the plan and monitor the market and analysis the risk coming, with our expertise investing with us is less headache and more safe
DIVERSIFY THE PORTFOLIO When it comes to investing, one of the easiest ways to manage risk and improve your probability of success is to have a variety of investments. You can diversify your portfolio across different asset classes, geographical markets and industries.
GIC Holdings is where you can diversify your portfolio as you want with much flexibility thru the different sectors we have, and thru the sub companies we have in different sectors and different countries.
SUSTAINABLE RETURN OF INVESTMENT (SROI) GIC Holdings expand SROI on Social Return on Investment by integrating environmental considerations alongside the social and economic dimensions of sustainability. we evaluate the overall ‘Value for Money’ (VfM) of impact investments, but goes further by establishing a shared value unit in broader (than merely financial) terms, generating an evidence-based account of how investments in businesses and industries impact both on us and our client